The easiest pet turtle to take care of (Types of pet turtles)

Types of pet turtles

Turtle can be ideals pet that stay with you for long. However, they need proper care and commitment.

Additionally, each species has its own requirements for shelter, water, food and even humidity levels and temperature. So it is wise to choose well and be mindful and aware of their special needs.

There are several turtle types, and choosing a pet turtle can be quite difficult. Here is a list of the types of pet turtles most suited to living side to side with humans, to help make your choice easier.

1. Red-Eared Slider Turtle

This one is a type of aquatic turtle that grows between 6 to 12 inches in diameter. It requires a 30 to 5o gallons aquarium with an efficient filtration system They usually have a lifespan of 50-60 years.

2. Painted Turtle

This colourful turtle is also aquatic and spends most of its time swimming in the water. They can grow up to 10 inches in length and live for around 25 years.

3. Box Turtle

This turtle takes its name from the fact that it can entirely hide inside its shell, in a box-like way. Box turtles can live up to 80 years if cared properly. They are land-dwelling turtles which however need a small pool for wadding.

4. Mississipi Map Turtle

The map paintings on the shell of this turtle species give it its name.

This species likes water and require more care than those mentioned above.

Water needs to be very high quality and they prefer strong currents. This pet turtle is usually recommended to experienced turtle keepers.

5. African Aquatic Sideneck Turtle

This turtle can grow up to 18 inches long and can live 25 years. They need a large tank and a basking area. Their habitat can be set inside in an aquarium glass tank or outside. This turtle, unlike other species, does not hibernate.

The easiest pet turtle to take care of

As a conclusive note, turtle pets need care, love and attention. It is important to know about rules and regulations before buying one.

Make sure you’re not buying an endangered species and your research about climate conditions required by a particular turtle pet species.

In this post “The easiest pet turtle to take care of” you will learn about how we can benefit from reptiles in general and turtles particularly. It also provides with the general description of them.

Turtle Is One Of The Best Kind Of Pet

History of Turtles

Turtles have been on Earth for millions of years.

People forget that they are reptiles and follow reptile rules in all matters of their lives.

I have two turtles, a female and male, my knowledge of these prehistoric animals have grown just like them.

I got them both when they were small little guys.

Turtle Is One Of The Best Kind Of Pet status

They used to swim under little rocks and would be able to sit in my palm together and still have room to spare!

That was five years ago, turtles never stop growing,  (a little tidbit I found out from my vet) and they are a good size now.

The female weighs around six to eight pounds and the male weighs around four.

Attitudes of Turtles

He will always be smaller than her due to the mating rituals.  He also has super long nails which are also needed for mating.

When it’s the mating season, he will start the mating dance.

Even reptiles can be grateful!  He swims towards her, positions himself face to face with her and gently he uses his nails to stroke her face.

It can take hours for him to place himself in the right position.  It is something to watch!

The two of them can eat forever and ever!  I used to feed them every day, now it’s every second day and if I go away for a few days, I buy feeder goldfish for them to eat.

Turtle Is One Of The Best Kind Of Pet blue water

They love their fish alive and raw. (remember they are reptiles!!)  I enjoy watching them chase the goldfish around and then catch them.

I asked the vet a while back what else can I feed them when I am away?  He said “crickets”.

The vet also said that the turtles might not know how to eat a cricket because they never did before.

The vet said I might need to teach them how.

I told the vet I will not stand there and flap my arms and pretend I am a cricket!  Besides, I couldn’t stop laughing!

More on attitudes of Turtles

Red Eared Sliders need to bask every day.

The upper and lower shells need to dry, totally.  If they don’t dry their shells, they can get a soft shell.

This minute I only have the one tank which does not have enough room for both to bask.

Turtle Is One Of The Best Kind Of Pet green water

So, I put them in the bathtub.  Some people lie in their tubs to bathe, others have yesterday’s drunks in the tub.  Not me!

You will always found two turtles in there, both trying to get out!   She has even laid eggs in the bathtub!

They can stay in the tub for up to six hours, then they should go back into the water.

Red Eared Sliders do everything in the water.

They have to eat in water because they gum their food and then they gulp water to push it all down.  They also mate in water.

Turtles can see and hear.  They will be still with their noses and eyes out of the water, listening if I have friends over.

The male is very curious and in the summer I take him outside on the balcony.  He follows the sounds and movements of people.  He stretches his neck and boy, it’s long and slender.

The female is shy, she keeps her head in her shell til she is totally sure of what, I don’t know!?

Turtles are great pets

Turtle Is One Of The Best Kind Of Pet small

To me, turtles are great pets.  They are truly amazing to watch.

I thought that they wouldn’t have personalities at all.  I thought reptiles, crocs, snakes, etc. were not like other pets.

Moreover, I was mistaken, the turtles have very different personalities.  He is curious, active and such a guy.  She is careful, holds her own, a real female!

To sum up, one last thing about turtles.  They live for a long time.  Red Eared Slidders can live for seventy years.  Now I need to rewrite my will!

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